Research Abstract |
The purpose of this research and study projected by us has been, by menas of bringing in Professors Harrison Hayford and Hershel Parker, distinguished scholars of the American Language and Literature in the United State, into derect touch with the equivalentl academicians of this country, eventuallyl to elucidate the supposedly prevailing, if any, discrepancy of temperamental or cultural hiatus or difference of opinions, which was thought to be contrributory to our mutual interests. One of the end-result thus obtraind is that there lies not a substantial falling-out of intellectual or cultural buil-ups between our two countries' academic achievements. Lectures, symposiums, paneldiscussions, held throughout the country were extremely successful, as a result of which we are happy to state that we are now being permitted to participate in a newly-projected venture of dictionarymaking, a dictionary of American Language, compatible with new Oxford Dictionary of 1989. In any event, we firmly belive that the cultural foundation of US-Japan relationship has thus been structured upon a much broader and epocal basis.