Research Abstract |
As planned, I have researched modern Japanese novels from the Meiji era into the Shouwa era. (1) Using representative works of major authors, I did the following : (1) Noted on cards the behavior and demeanor of female protagonists in their entrance, sciences, existance, and climax. I noted also clo thing, jewelry, scenery, and environment as these occurred in typical scenes. (2) I did the same for male protagonists. (3) As necessary, I took note also of other characters and related this to the above. (2) In libraries all over the country, includeing the National Dief Literature, and the Hall of modern Japanese literature, I visited research material rooms and, using original editions as much as possible, I investigated the expressive consciousness of each author, and examined also illustrations from the novels and the historical essential material on video and film. (3) Starting with M. L. Knapp's Non-verbal Communication in Human Relationships (1983, Toukai University Press), and Richard Broznaman's Comparative Cultural Behavior-A Comparison of Japanese and British Gestures (1988, Taishikan), Iconsulted various sources on things such as comparative culture, behavior, mannersand conducted a logical investigation, while at the same time reviewing methods of analyzing literary work. (4) I analyzed intensively such novels as Floating Clouds, Maihime, Growing Up, Terihakyogen, The Golden Demon, Hakai, A Country Teacher, Arakure, The Makioka Sisters, Tokutokitan, Dark Journey, A Certain Women, Jigokuhen, Snow Country, Woman of Asashi, Temple of the Golden Pavillion, The Silent Cry, Women in the Dunes, and Fumiko. (5) Using the above investigations, I made a basic computer-analysis sample, and an now trying to gain an over-all perspective. I am incorporating as well the material recorded on film an video tape. (6) Using direct and indirect results of the above investigations I have published the works listed separately.