Research Abstract |
1. We videotaped images of celestial bodies at our Institute with a 30 cm reflecting telescope to which the CCD video camera system was attached. The result was, as we had expected, that the videotaped images were clear with high resolution even in the large city like Osaka. 2. (1) We obtained clear images of the fine structure of lunar surface as if we were on the moon. (2) Images of the planets (Jupiter etc.) were finer than their photographs. (3) But, as to the sun, the result was not so good that the use of narrow half-width H-alpha filter and neutral density filters must be studied from now on. 3. (1) We selected the CCD camera, Canon Ci2OR, with high sensitivity in infrared region. It was influenced so little by city light and atmospheric dust in a large city that we could get images with high contrast. (2) Not the use of color system but that of monochromatic one enabled the resolution to be enhanced. (3) In videotaping, the use of light pollution-protecting filter (HF filter) or red filter turned out effective. 4. We had teachers of elementary, junior and senior high schools who took in-service training at our Institute. We had them use these videotapes as teaching materials of astronomy at their schools. We have collected a part of the results concerning (a) how their pupils or students react to the tapes in seeing then and (b) how the teachers actually use then and whether they could find out merits and demerits of their contents. We were sure to make the most use of them in class or extra-curriculum activities. So, we have a plan to continue systematically collecting and analyzing the results stated above and work then out as teaching materials. 5. In future, we like to get solar H-alpha filter, video generator, etc. and fulfill this video camera system.