Research Abstract |
Some fundamental principles of extradition law are treated in my research. As its results I published the following articles written in Japanese. Morishita, T. -The principle of reciprocity in extradition law. Hiroshima Law Journal. vol. 14, no 4, March 1991. Morishita, T. -Summary extradition. Kenshu (Journal of the Research and Training Institute, Ministry of Justice), no 505, July 1990 Morishita, T. -Notion of political offenses in extradition law. Keisatsu-Kenkyu, vol. 61, no 12 December 1990 vol. 62, no 1 January 1991 vol. 62, no 2 February 1991 vol. 62, no 3 March 1991 vol. 62, no 4 April 1991 Morishita, T. -Notion of political offenses in extradition law. Keisatsu-Kengyu, vol. 61, no 12 December 1990 vol. 62, no 1 January 1991 vol. 62, no 2 February 1991 vol. 62, no 3 March 1991 vol. 62, no 4 April 1991