Research Abstract |
In Japan, the processing of a waste fluid of liquid scintillator is entrusted to each facility that uses them. And the mothods are limited just to incinerate or to discard with storage. (We can incinerate the waste fluid including only following 5 r13EA\ : adioisotopes, ^3H, ^<14>C, ^<32>P, ^<35>S and ^<45>Ca.) Whichever method is adopted, we have many problems to be solved with difficulty, for example ; 1.the main components are organic solvents such as toluene and xylene so they're harmful to the human body ; 2. the radioisotopes included in the waste fl13EA\ : uid have comparatively longer half-lives and especially ^<32>P and ^<35>S might corrod the metal under high-temperature ; 3. voluminous storage of organic solvent is prohibited by the law. Therefore, we developed the high-efficient equipment to incine13EA\ : rate the radioactive organic waste fluid which can be controlled only by the exclusive employees at RI facility by way of the following devices and improvement ; 1. The par
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t to incinerate the waste fluid is produced with new ceramics then it is more13EA\ : resistant against the heat and the corrosion, 2. the inside of a cooler which cools down the incineration gas is Teflon-coated and we can make the exhaust gas low temperature by way of increasing the square to radiate the heat ; 3. we persued compl13EA\ : eted safety and made the operation completely automatic with improving various kinds of automatic safety device. The temperature of the inside of the incineration furnance is maintained by the spontaneous heat produced by incineration of the waste fluid-itself. And if the temperature drops at the beginning of incineration and during incineration, it is raised by the natural gas. Both waste fluid and the natural gas are highly heat-generation fuel so we can raise the temperature stably and incinerate at the definite temperature. The drainage included ^3H (about 70 %), ^<35>S (about 20%), ^<14>C, ^<32>P, ^<45>Ca(the last three radioisotpes are less than 10%). And also the exhaust gas included ^<14>C (about 40%), ^<32>P (about 10%), ^<35>S (about 20%), ^<45>Ca (about 25%) excepts ^3H.So the development of a compact equipment is really eagered which co13EA\ : llects radioactivity in the exhaust gas firmly and safely. It was a few per cent that the ratio of ^<32>P, ^<35>S and ^<45>Ca in the exhaust gas and the drainage althoughthe radioactivity of those 3 radioisotopes in the dregs was considered to show hig13EA\ : h value. Therefore it can be considered that dregs adhered to the inside of incineration furnance, the cooler of incineration gas and the tube of exhaust adhered to the inside of incineration furnance, the cooler of incineration gas and the tube of exhaust gas hadn't been completely collected. Less