Research Abstract |
Following my research on extradition law in 1990-1991, I continued this year (1991-1992) the theoretical research and comparative law research in the field of extradition law. In September 1991, I visited the Home Office of the United Kingdom in London in order to exchange of views, with Mr. Goldsmith, chief of Section C7 (International Coopperation), on the problems, of the Extradition Act 1989 of the United Kingdom. I wrote two following articles as the results of my research : 1゚) Principle of non-extradition of nationals 2゚) Provisional arrest in extradition law In the former I appointed out the recent international tendencies in which the traditional principle of non-extradition of nationals is going to be modified in the direction of its abolition. In the latter, I introduced the systems of provisional arrest which are adopted in extradition treaties and domestic laws in several advanced countries.