Research Abstract |
The base plastic of CFRP is polyetherimide with talc. The Cu film was galvanized onto the CFRP and then the Cr film was plated on the Cu film. The nitrogen ion was implated in Cr-Cu film on CFRP by using dynamic mixing method under an accelerated voltage of 1kV.After implantation, the samples were annealed at 333, 363, 393 and 423K for 30min. The microhardness of Cr-Cu film was 4000 at the top surface, regardless of ion implantaion, and decreased with increasing the depth. For 0.5mm of depth, the microhardness was greater for metal film than for CFRP. The adhesive strength of metal film increased with increasing annealing temperature to 363K.When the annealing temperature was over 363K, it decreased. The residual stress was tension on the top surface of metal film. The maximum residual tensile stress was obtained at the annealing temperature of 393K.For ion implanted metal film, there was high residual tensile stress at room temperature. The adhesive strength of film was affected by the residual stress. The tensile strength and bending strength were improved by metal plating up to 7-11%. But the ion implantation scarecely affected the improvement of tensile strength and bending strength. The friction coefficient was 0.1 for CFRP, 0.9 for Cr-Cu film and 0.8 for implanted film. The wear volume of ball increased 100 times greater for metal films than for CFRP.