Research Abstract |
International data base called Euro-clim was processed through this study. That collects climate hazards and unusual weathers from Europe and Japan. Further, using some climate bases, climate variation from medieval to recent times is reconstructed. The main results are as follows. l) Characteristics of weather term, time and accuracy are clarified from historical change and areal difference of the descriptive method of weather. 2) On the synoptic climatological analysis of the daily weather of the winter in the 18th century, it is clear that winter weather pattern appeared frequently in those times. 3) It is clarified that there was "Medieval Warm Period" also in Japan, by the analysis of long term climate hazards data. 4) From the relation between the El Nin^^-o and climate of Japan, the period in which El Nino prevails corresponds to cool and wet condition. 5) In Maunder Minimum Period, the coldest period in the "Little Ice Age, " winter climate was similar between Japan and Europe but in summer. 6) In "Year without summer : 1816, " it was not cool in Eastern Asia.