Research Abstract |
Following three points were made clear through this research. 1. Elementary school children were given two kinds of computational estimation tasks : task to estimate the span of the answers on target calculation problems, and task to answer the most left hand numbers of the answer. Both computational estimation tasks had significant relationships with single digit addition and mental computation. Single digit addition and mental computation seem to be the fundamental factors of the computational estmation. 2. Children showed the following three computational strategies on actual shopping situations : (1)do the mental computation precisely to the last, (2)start the mental computation but change his/her strategy en route to get the rough numbers, and (3)round the numbers and add them. In spite of the no-training in elementary school about the strategy of computational estimation, children are able to devise several strategies in everyday situations. 3. According to the analysis of ANOVA, the important main factor influencing computational estimation was age, and "correcting error experience" was also the next main factor in two out of four computational estimation tasks. In "correcting error experience", children correct the other child's computational errors in shopping which was showed by VTR, and correct their errors in computational estimation tasks.