Research Abstract |
Continuing the study of "PATHOLOGY OF MIASMA," which was granted the aid in 1993, I have concentrated my attention to Greek tragedy. Among three eminent tragedians, Sophocles was my favorite poet. Reading through all his existing seven works, Oidipous ho Tyrannos, Oidipous en Kolonoi, Antigone, Elektra, Philoktetes, Thrakiniai, Aias, I noticed that MIASMA (pollution) was one of the key concepts for ethical interpretation of the conducts of his heroes, That was the main theme of my articel, "PATHOLOGY OF MIASMA-no.2, " which was pubished in Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education vol, 44,1994, (pp.16-28) . My next article, "PATHOLOGY OF MIASMA-no.3, " which was published 1995 also in Memoirs of the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Education vol, 45 (pp.1-13) deals with Euripides. This prolific poet is essentially a journalist, rather than a philosopher. In several romantic plays such as Helene. Iphigeneia en Trauruikei, Phoinissai, Ion. Alkestis, Hiketides, MIASMA is but a conventional concept, which makes dramatic situations more complicated and the fate of heroes or heroins more perilous. Patriotism in the age of the civil war influeneced the poet, but in such plays as Troiades, Hekabe, Andromake, Euripides protested very courageously agaist the war. MIASMA became the symbol of misery and evil caused by human nature, and in Medeia and Hippolytos, his master-piece, the pathology of MIASMA was investigated psychologically in detail. The last, chronologocally the first, poet Aischylos fought as a brave defender of Athenian democrasy and liberty in the age of Persian War. The article "PATHOLOGY OF MIASMA-no.4, " which I newly wrote and is going to be published in the Report for this project this month is devoted to the study of political philosophy of Aischylos, the rule of justice, manifested by divine wrath. MIASMA is one of the key terms of his theological thought.