Budget Amount *help |
¥2,100,000 (Direct Cost: ¥2,100,000)
Fiscal Year 1994: ¥700,000 (Direct Cost: ¥700,000)
Fiscal Year 1993: ¥1,400,000 (Direct Cost: ¥1,400,000)
Research Abstract |
Lcucocoryne coquimbensis is a bulbous plant which originated from Chile and is an attractive new ornamental plant. In this study, the growth habit was studied and methods to control flowering were investigated. During the time of floral anthesis and flower stems harvested in February, the vegetative and floral mcristem for the following year's inflorescense is beginning to be initiated in the bulb. When the primary (1゚) floret initial appears, further development ceases in bulb. Development does not commence again until dormancy is broken, which occurs in mid to late October in Japan. At that time when the 1゚ floral pistil of the 1゚ inflorescense is completed, which takes place in late November, the carliest floret of the next inflorescense begins. Similarly, 3 to 4 inflorescense develop. Dormancy is borken by temperature between 20゚C and 30゚C in which 20゚C is optimum. Inflorescecse differentiation occurs at 20゚C and 25゚C.Consequently, the storage at 20゚C is optimum to break dormancy and to accelerate the inflorescense differentiation. In our experiment, bulbs were harvested three months after flowers had reached anthesis and were stored at 20゚C.Four month were required to break dormancy and for the inflorescense to start development again. Bulbs could be stored for 7 months at 20゚C.But the storage for 15 months was too long as the first inflorescense died. This death occurred between 8 months and 15 months. Inflorescense development had been showed at 25゚C when compared to 20゚C,and death of the inflorescense was delayd. Further, the number of days to anthesis was reduced if bulbs were stored at 5゚C or 10゚C for 2,4 or 6 weeks after dormancy had been broken and infloresacense differentiation had started. On the contrary, for L.odorota, breaking of dormancy and inflorescense differcutiation occurs at temperature between 15 and 20゚C.