Research Abstract |
The ozone umbrella have sheltered living bodies on the earth from harmful effects of ultraviolet rays (UV). But recently, this ozone layr is broken artificially, therefore it is the problem that living bodies, especially human skin are damaged when short wavelengths UV reach on the earth. Then the manufacture goods with the properties of protection of human skin against UV are developted one after another.The measurement of the efficiency for cutting UV are carried out by a spectrophotometer, a intensity meter or sun protection factor (SPF) value, which is only biological measurement. But SPF method is dangerous because this method is measured on human skin. And the measurement with optical instruments are not reflected biological reactions. Accordingly, in biological aspect we planned to develop a new method without the subjects. Then we utilized the enzyme, alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) for the measurement of the efficiency of the manufacture goods with properies of protection of human skin against UV.The ADH solutions were placed in the culture dishes covered with clothing with properties of UV absorbency, reference clothing or without the clothing, and were irradiated with UV lamp. Afer irradiation the activities of ADH solutions were assayd. Their activities covered with clothing with the properties of UV absorbency compare with reference clothing not decreased. This corresponded to the acquired result by optical and SPF value measurement. Accordingly, it was shown that our developed new measurement method could substitute for SPF method or optical measurment and could estimate the degree of efficiency of protection changing with the time. This is a characteristic method which is not able to estimate by other methods.