Research Abstract |
In Brassica campestris (2n=20, AA), a linkage map was constructed with 10 isozyme and 52 molecular (RAPD) markers. It was consisted of ten linkage groups which is the same to the number of haploid chromosome constitution. On the linkage map, genes for morphological and physiological characters such as bolting time, leaf morphology, leaf hairiness and self-incompatibility, were localized. Genes for bolting time which were closely linked to the isozyme marker, Got-1 and Pox-3, were found to be responsible to long photoperid condition. On the other hand, in B.nigra (2n=16, BB), five isozyme band regions were found to be controlled by the alleles of single loci. Based on the isozyme and molecular markers identified in the present study, localization of genes for useful characters on the map and identification of each chromosome can be performed. By crossing diploid species to tetraploid ones, triploid plants were obtained. Aneuploids having alien chromosomes will be produced and identified by using isozyme and molecular markers. In the genus Allium, classification of nine cultivars of A.fistulosum were carried out by using RAPD markers and their phylogenetic relationships were clarified. In order to localize molecular markers, in situ hybridization was also carried out using rDNA of common wheat as the probe on the chromosomes of A.fistulosum, A.fistulosum var. viviparum and A.schoenoprasum. Sizes of the regions hybridized and morphology of the chromosomes hybridized were different among the species observed. RAPD markers as well as rDNA will be applied for analysis of aneuploids which will be derived from the cross between 'Seitakanegi', an amphidiploid line, and its parent A.fistulosum.