Research Abstract |
For reseach purposes it was to constitute the model for disability, and develop the Handicap Scale for people with the hearing Impairment to solve the concept'problems of the handicap and the Handicap Scale on International disabilities Clasification that WHO advocated. Researches are demonstrated that the handicap and The Handicap Scale devised by WHO International disabilities Clasification have many problems, with the concept and subject that this scale was developed. Therefore, first this research assessed social function of people with the hearing impairment. At Second stage, it reviewed handicap scales for peoples with hearing Impairment, and developed the hearing measurement scale for Japanese that modificated the hearing measurment scale by Noble, W.G. et al. At Third stage, the resarch assessed social function of people with hearing impairment by the hearing measurement scale for Japanese. As a result, the research developed the model for disability in view of communication behavior, and abustracted a handicapped situation that produces communication behavior'problems. The Handicap Scale for people with the hearing Impairment was constituted from these elements that produces a handicaped situation. For research it is necessary to design to model dynamic process that produce handikapped situation.