Research Abstract |
The purpose of this study is to make clear the meaning of Jane Addams'thought and her settlement work at Hull-House. In this study, I especially examined the relation of her thought and activities to Albion W.Small's sociological research and education, and to John Dewey's educational theory and practice. Since the foundation of the University of Chicago in 1892, the city of Chicago has been a "laboratory" for Small's sociological research and education. In 1894, with his colleague George E.Vincent, Small published An Introduction to the Study of Society. He called this book a "laboratory guide", which is used by the students as a manual for the observation of social facts done at social settlements in Chicago. Hull-House was one of the stations for this sociological observation. Later, in her "A Function of the Social Settlement"(1899), Jane Addams criticized the idea of settlement houses as "sociological laboratories." She meant by this that the immigrants living in slums were not mere "data"-givers for the sociological research and education, but the agents for developing their own higher moral and intellectual abilities. To demonstrate her view of immigrants, she opened Labor Museum at Hull-House in 1900, which John Dewey helped in preparing.