Research Abstract |
In Japan's certain districts, cases where there is a concentration of little and medium-sized enterprises constituting a local industry pool, are common. Each of these enterprises pools are related to other enterprises integrating a close-tied structure, where each part carries partial charges of thetotal undertaking. Considering that the managerial resources of these little and medium-sized enterprises aren't always enough, it is necessary to supplement it by receiving those resources from other local industries or organizations. Today, when little and medium-sized firms are facing changing environments such as internationalization and population aging, they are being pressured to review their existing resources supply networks. Ferst, they need to expand their resources seeking scope. Traditionally, it was thought that the only resources necessary related to economical activities were only the human, material, financial and informative ones. Resources coming from society or from the natural environment were considered to be constraintive. But from now on there will be the necessity carring on activities that take into consideration support from society, and care for environmental nartural ecosystems. Second, they must reorganize their resources supplementative network. Little and medium-sized enterprises that are confronting changing factors such as the development of the Japanese economy in trnationalization, are being pushed by the necessity of planning changes in their undertaking structure and in their holding technologies. The problem is at what point the existing structure can provide basis for sustaining the revolution that is to come. I intend to include in my scope of work, in addition to Business Administration, points of view of the following fileds : Sociology, Psycology, Environmental Management. By combining elements of these fields it will be possible to better understand the relstionship between enterprise and society.