Research Abstract |
In general, when a novel rail way system is proposed, the ride-quality seems to be handled as secondary important issue. In addition, common discussion on ride-quality tend to be mainly devoted to how to choose springs and dampers. However recently active suspension systems begin to be payd attention to the industrial world. Such system to get high ride-quality positively are very interesting for researchers because they are able to show their skills sufficiently in control techniques. In this research, improvements in ride-quality of a maglev vehicle were aimed. Additionally robustness for maglev vehicle is supposed to be lightweight and springy is also aimed. Therefore some measures to meet them must be taken. To get both the high ride-quarity and the robust stabity in the lightweight and springy vehicle, H* robust theory was addopted in this research. The research process is as follows. 1 : A maglev system was modelled for its nominal variables. 2 : A weighting function to get the high ride-quality in the system was determined. 3 : Another weighting function to get the robust stability corresponding to the modelling errors such as variation of the vehicle-weight and neglected high freq. oscillation modes of the springy cabin was determined. 4 : An H* robust compensator was designed based on these weighting functions. 5 : Both the high ride-quality and the robust stability in the system were comfirmed by digital simulations. 6 : A simple experimental apparatus which is small but is imitative of a kind of actiral maglev vehicle was well-controlled by the above mentioned compensator with pneumatic actuators. Finally, I would like to report that some technical papers on this research were published.