Research Abstract |
The purpose of this study is making of companionship in middle-aged couple. The first result of study proves "crisis" of middle-aged couple (40-59 age). This result is coducted by comparison survy of 20-39 age guroup (male number 176, female number 217), 40-59 age guroup (male number 175, female number 160), and 60 over age guroup (male number 123, female number 48), in 1991 and 1992. The aim of second report is finding of factors for hastening making of companionship in middle-aged couple. This survy inspected relation of husband & wife's going out and husband's participation in homework, wife's employment and social activities. The subject of survy is 40-69 age group (female number 714), in 1995. The results is summarized as follows : 1)Wife's social activties hastens making of companionship in middle-aged couple. 2)Husband'participation in homework hastens making companionship in middle-aged couple.