Research Abstract |
1. Characteristics (foundation date, water supply area, cross-section of intake, etc) of 4 abolished waterworks (Aoyama jyousui, Mita jyousui, Senkawa jyousui and Honjyo jyousui) are made clear by use of drawings such as "Tamagawa jyousui o-ezu", "Syoutoku-suekorono jyousui-zu" , etc, plans in Edo and historical literatures. 2. Using "Tokyo sisikou hensai-hen" , Yosiwara's chronological table on the disaster in Edo, and Ikegami's paper on the fire protection system in Edo, disasters in the water supply area of the 4 abolished waterworks are investigated. The reason of the abolition of Senkawa jyousui is considered for the fire protection of Edo castle. The reason of the abolition of Honjyo jyousui is considered for flood. 3. By the comparison between "Syoutoku-suekorono jyousui-zu" and "Jyousuiki" , the developed irrigations at Musasino hill during Kyouhou-Genbun period are investigated. Total cross-section of the intake of developed irrigations is larger than that of the abolished waterworks. The developed irrigations are located upper reach of 3 abolished waterworks. Tadasuke Ohoka playd an impotant role in the irrigation development at Musasino hill. 4. The suggestion on the fire protection in Edo by Kyusou Muro is examined. The popular view, "waterworks =cause of fire", is only a part of the suggestion, and the main part of it explained the real policy to abolish the waterworks which exits nothern part of Edo castle. The popular view is created trough "Dr.Nakaji's memorial Japan history of waterworks", "History of Tokyo waterworks" and "Old waterworks in Japan".