Research Abstract |
This study shows mainly the following three main points in relation to the so-called micro-macro problems in sociology. (1) Examining the structural-functional theory and Homans (1961,1964), we realize that the essence of micro-macro problems in sociology is to clarify how to 'link' the micro and the macro. (2) Examining Montgomery (1994) which is a good example of treating the micro-macro problem in sociology, we demonstrate some shortcomings in his logic of model construction. In summary, His arguments could be clarified by differentiating a variable of macro-level with some variables of micro-level. Thus the comparative statics is shown to be the efficient method in considering the micro-macro problems in sociology. (3) Examining Blau (1960), we apply the comparative statics to structural effects. Thus we can demonstrate that the structural effects can be derived from models comprising just assumpttions of interactions among individuals.