Research Abstract |
The colonial policy of spreading of education to the masses in India started in the middle of 19 century, for mass education was considerd effective in keeping colonial society stabel. By contrast, National Education Movement insisted on compulsory education. As Indian nationals were gradualy getting power, Compulsory Education Laws were legislated in several States. After Independence, compulsory education had been one of the most important education policy. In 1960's, however, there were a shift in policy from compulsory schooling to universal schooling. In the late of 1970's Nonformal Education Centers, which gave elementary education in part-time bases, was introduced. This program allows child labor. It is considered that Present programms for universalization of elementary education are based on following principles ; (a) Not only Government and States but also International Organization and NGOs are playing important role in universalization of elemantary education (b) Concept of free education should be expanded to stimulate incentives of people to elemantary education. (c) Completion of elementary education should be certified not by age but by educational attainment. (d) Educational development should be considered an important core of social development. (e) Freedom of participation to educational development and decentralization are basic factors of universalization of elemantary education.