Research Abstract |
1.EXPERIMENT OF CARBAMAZEPINE-INDUCED CARDIOVASCULAR ABNORMALITEIS IN CHICK EMBRYOS A single dose of 3,5,7, or 10 mg of carbamazepine was administred to fertilized White Leghorn chiken eggs at 72 hours of incubation and eggs were opened on day 10 of incubation. (1) Cardiovascular abnormalities were noted in 37.8,54.8,76.9, and 88.0% of live embryos in groups treated, respectively. There was a statistically significant increase of cardiovascular abnormalities and a significant dose-dependent increase. (2) Infundibular ventricular septal defect was the primary cardiac anomaly. A high percentage of this anomaly was accompanied by hypoplastic right 6th aortic arch artery and/or persistent left 4th aortic arch artery. A small number of double outlet right ventricle was found. 2.EXPERIMENT OF CARBAMAZEPINE-INDUCED MICROCEPHALY IN CHICK EMBRYOS A single dose of 5 mg of carbamazepine was administred to fretilized White Leghorn chiken eggs at 24,72,120,168, and 216 hours of incubation, and eggs were opened on day 19 of incubation. (1) Average body weights of live embryos were 17.3,18.7,19.6,19.9, and 18.4 g in groups treated, respectively, (those of controls were 18.3,17.3,19.0,18.0, and 18.0 g, respectively.), and there was a significant difference only at 24 hours of incubation. (2) Average brain weights of live embryos were 481,514,519,508, and 475 mg in groups treated, respectively, (those of controls were 515,514,543,546, and 495 mg, respectively.), and there was a significant difference at 24,120, and 168 hours of incubation. (3) Average brain weights per average body weight of live embryos were 29.4,28.0,26.8,26.3, and 26.5 mg/g ingroups treated respectively, (those of controls were 28.4,29.3,28.9,27.1, and 28.2 mg/g, respectively.), and there was a significant difference only at 120 hours of incubation.