Research Abstract |
Autologous transplantation of stellate ganglion has been perfomed for patients with Parkinson's disease. So far, after the transplantation, about half of patients have showed good improvement. On the other hand, another half of them have showed no improvement. In this study, clinicopathological analysis of influential factors in transplantation of stellate ganglion for Parkinson's disease was performed. Clinical factors included the patient's age at the time of transplantation, symptom's duration, and severity of the disease assessed by unified Parkinson's disease rating scale. Biological factors in cluded the pathological and in vitro features of stellate ganglion as the donor tissue. The number of ganglion cells, the presence of Lewy body, and the immunohistochemical in tensity of tyrosine hydroxylase and chromogran in A were pathologically investigated. The neurite's growth, catecholamines'contents, and interleukin-1beta in the sera were in vestigated in the culture study. Among clinical factors, the severity of disease and sumptom's duration were considered to be important influential factors. Among biologocal factors, the presence of Lewy body was the most important influential factor. In addition, the correlation between neurite's growth and interleukin-1beta in the sera was observed. Interleukin-1beta could be considered to be a important biological factor in the neurite' growth. In summary, influential factors in transplantation of stellate ganglion for Parkinson's disease were clarified.