Research Abstract |
1. The period of War Communizm was begun not in January 1919, generally supposed, but in summer of 1918 in reality, when the system of food-supply dictatorship was introduced. Then in many food-supply prefectures the rezverstka was adopted widely. 2. War Communizm was generally thought to be based on Worker-peasant-alliance. But in fact, a split between urban-workers an commune-peasants was appeared in the period of War Communizm. And this split was getting deeper in food crisis, especialy in 1920, caused by the rezverstka. 3. Worker detachments, sent from industrial centers, abused local peasants in the rezverstka. So in the period of War Communizm not only the split between workers and peasents but also the one between industrial centers and pesumed food-supply prefecyures was occured.