Research Abstract |
The aims of this research project are 1) to propose a formal method of modeling decision making structures observed in organizations for design and manufacturing, and 2) to support decision making modeling by information technology. Two years research produced interesting results as follows. 1. A formal modeling method named "ScoPy" was newly proposed. This method deals with various modeling factors such as organizations, time, tasks, processes, and so on. 2. A computer supported modeling system named "DemoS3" was developed based on ScoPy. DemoS3 collects fragmented data about decision making activities and systhematizes them into database observed through GUI with VRML.The system can helps human users to understand decision making structure in an intuitive way. 3. In addition to the support of modeling, the support of analyzing decision making structure was investigated for BPR. 4. ScoPy and DemoS3 were applied to two cases : design process of innovative car development and problem solving for space ship in trouble. The results of application showed that proposed method and systems were effective in analyzing decision making structure. These research results shows that proposed method gives a formal modeling and analyzing method to the field organizational task processing in industrial companies and explore a new application field of engineering.