Research Abstract |
We have developed a realistic rendering system of dressed human bodies. The system includes the following components ; (1)measurement of human body, (2)rendering system human body model with smooth surfaces, (3)free-form deformation of human body model, (4)dress simulation. For(1), we have made polygon mesh models for human bodies based on measured range-data. For(2), we have developed a converter from polygon-mesh to mata-ball data (defined by iso-surface) ; two methods are proposed for creating smooth surfaces and precise human figures. One is an interactive method. The other is an optimization method by using Decent Steep method. For(3), we have proposed an expanded method FFD (Free-Form Deformation) theory in order to deform the human body model based on the measured data. For(4), by demonstrating the usefulness of our system, we applied our method to a dress simulation for a human body modeled by meta-balls. We have presented our results on journals such as The journal of the institute of image electronics of Japan and IPS Japan.