Research Abstract |
(1) Tokyo Institute for Social Sciencies. ; as an social research centre. There was an unknown social research center that was an institute for social phylosophy at Tokyo near Nikolai Cathedral, which are founded in 1927. Nevertheless the term of activity of this institute was only seven years, the heritage of the Tokyo Instiute was great because of the fhunction as the center of experimental sociolpgy in Japan. (2) The Society for Corporatism ; as an social research centre. After the First World War, the so called corporatism movement had emerged in Japanese society. Influenced by the International Labor Conference of the League of the Nations, Japanese state-bureaucrats agreed to form a triangle combination which was composed of govenment. manager union snd trade union. At that time, the priviledged election sysytem had changed to the popular suffrage system and there were some trials for establishment of the labour-farmer political party. Japanese semi-official foundation ; the Society for Corporatism established in 1918, had a plan to promote parl iamentary labor politics.