Research Abstract |
Recently electron spectroscopic transmission electron microscopy (ES-TEM) has been using in material sciences. Now ES-TEM is also called energy filtering TEM (EF-TEM) . This new TEM gives the ability to apply the fast and very efficient tool of electron spectroscopic imaging (ESI) for mineral characterization and to record EELS spectra. In this study a new EF-TEM (JEOL-2010FEF) and JEOL JEM4000EX with GIF (Gatan imaging filter) was used for qualitative analysis of light elements (Li, Be, B), nano-structure of a copper precipitate in "Shinsha-Yu (red glaze) and chemical state analysis of carbon materials made by CVD. The following results are obtained : (1) Li in spodumene, Be in beryl, B in elbaite were able to detected in EELS spectra. Although, LiK edge from spodumene is very faint. (2) Many spherical copper precipitates of 20 nm in size are found in red glaze, the copper precipitates show EELS spectrum similar to metal copper. (3) EELS spectra of carbon materials (diamond and graphite) were obtained by EF-TEM and conventional parallel EELS.The both spectra have same resolution.