Research Abstract |
The purposes of this study were to examin the structual change of knowledge in Germany in early 20th century. Form modern times to earrly 20th century, the knowledge was shared among the german intellctuals, and it included both the practical knowledge and the theoretical knowledge. But in the earlry 20th century, we can find that this two aspects of knowledge were divided into two streams. The first was the stream that indulged in the practical and personal knowledge : Lebensphilosphie, Phenomenologie, and Exsitentialismus. The Second was the stream that was developed as the social thechnology : Marxismus and Nationalsozialismus. And it was Neukantianismus that stood at the turning point. Neukantianismus, especially Hermann Cohen and Paul Natorp, stressed the idea that man had to have the personal consciousness (Gewissen, Gesinnung) and the social will developing into democratic society. But Neukantianismus ended at the time of World War I. There were three reasons for the declining of the Neukantianisums and the collapse of german traditonal knowledge.(1) The tide of time was the rationality. Although Neukantianisums thouhgt it as imporatant factor, there was a romantic aspect (irrationality) in its thought.(2) Comparing to Marxismus, the Sozialidealismus in Neukantianismus lacked in the social perspecive.(3) Neukantianisums was not able to be opposed to the War, and submitted itself to the Nationlism. In this process, we can see the end of german traditonal thinking which had tried to tie the individual knowledge based upon the consciousness and the social technology.