Research Abstract |
1. research of adult education methodology first the concept of andraggy was introduced, which was developed theoretically by Professor Malcolm S.Knowles in the United Staetes. Then some practial ideas based on andragogy were analysed, such as addaptation to differantization of adult learners' needs, etc. Finally some critical points to andragogy (so-called theories beyond andragogy) were introduced and analysed, such as, self-directed learning as a goal of learning, trans-formative learning, and learner-oriented programms. 2. research of adult education practice Here some model-projects of adult learning, based on andragogy, were introduced and analysed ; adult education programms for nurses in Japanese universities and colleges, adult education programms in Folk-High Schools (Volkshochschulen) in Germany. 3.perspectives The Modern Practice of Adult Education (1980, M.S.Knowles) is now translated.