Research Abstract |
The aim of this research is to find out the role, which the negotiations of "Investiture Contest" between Holy Roman Empire and Roman Church achieved in the first 12 century on the matter of "patrimonium" of Roman Church. As for research in 1999and2000 we analyzed the terms and way of discussion in the negotiations in the term of Pope Paschal II (1099-1118) (Guastalla 1106, Sutri 1111, Ponte=Mammolo 1111 etc) and in the term of pope Calixt II (1119-24. As a result of that research work, we could find four points. As the first point, at that time the curia had the concept that premise on the kind of "Priest kingdom" (regale sacerdotium). And on this concept the curia regarded the patrimonium not only inherited land of the Pope but also as a state-realm (named "regalia S.Petri). The second point is related to the Sutri negotiation (Feb.1111). It was in this negotiation that "patrimonium" issue was first discussed between Roman Church and Medieval Empire (sacrum Romanum imperium). As you know, "Investiture Contest" negotiations started at Guastalla negotiation (1106). But that negotiation dealed with only matching the themes which Roman church and Empire made proposal. It was 1111, Sutri negotiation, where "Patrimonium" issue was officially dealed with. The 3^<rd> point is related to the treatment of "patrimonium". Due to the decision "Emperor will return 'patrimonium' to Roman Church", later negotiations and the very Wormser Konkordat (1122) made the quite same decision. As for the 4^<th> point, the consent between Roman Church and Empire is obviously different from the concept "realia Sancti Petri" of Roman Church. In the mentioned negotiations of so-called international level, consent implied just only the minimum requirement that Roman Church may have state-realm.