Budget Amount *help |
¥2,400,000 (Direct Cost: ¥2,400,000)
Fiscal Year 2001: ¥500,000 (Direct Cost: ¥500,000)
Fiscal Year 2000: ¥800,000 (Direct Cost: ¥800,000)
Fiscal Year 1999: ¥1,100,000 (Direct Cost: ¥1,100,000)
Research Abstract |
In 1999, 1 devoted myself to analyze the official statements of countries to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and the States' practice on the law of the Sea. As a result, it was made clear that there are some new problems which are not treated by the UNCLOS. I tried to analyze some of them and published some articles including a paper on the marine scientific research in the exclusive economic zone. In 2000, I could visit to the international Sea Bed Authority in Kingston, Jamaica and investigate the activities of the Authority. This was an useful opportunity for my research. I published an article on deep sea bed regime titled as "Establishment, Amendment and Implementation of the Deep Seabe Regime" which was included in Umi-Nihon to Kokusaihou no Hyaku Nen (Sea - One Hundred Year of Japan and International Law, Vol. 3, Sanseido, 2001). I continued to analyze the problems of the high seas fisheries and the peaceful uses of the ocean. In 2001, 1 examined the practice on regulation for fishing in high seas by the regional fisheries bodies such as NAFO and ICCAT, as well as on implementation of deep seabed regime by the International Sea Bed Authority. Furthermore I tried to analyze the Southern Bluefin Tuna case. Australia and New Zealand appealed to the Arbitral Tribunal under Annex VII of the UNCLOS in 1999, contending that the unilateral commencement of its Experimental Fishing Program for the Southern Bluefin Tuna by Japan placed it in violation of some articles of UNCLOS. I could contribute a paper on the case to the Japanese Annual of International Law. In these three years, the Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research was extremely useful for my research. I could not attain the original goal of my research programme, but I would like to continue the study on the law of the sea on the achievements of this Grant-in-Aid.