Research Abstract |
This research was investigated aimed to identify "negotiation" process on emergence of meaning and/or co-construction of "domestic word" between children with congenital deafblindness and adults and to analyze the process; 1)child's expression of gestural movement, 2) confirming of the movement, 3) adult's interpretation about the meaning of the movement and suggestion of the next activity, and 4) child's accept ion for the suggested activity or refusal movement. Subjects of this research were as follows : Case N : Prematurity; blind, hard of hearing; age of five Case J : Charge Association ; partially sighted, deaf; age of six Case D : Unknown Causes ; partially sighted, deaf ; age of twelve Case M : Prematurity ; blind, hard of hearing; age of four Negotiation has occurred in some interactions and/or plays with Case N and Case D. The process was identified by micro-analyzing the videotaped episodes. In Case J, the confirming of the child's gestural expression was difficult because the child accepts the confirming movement from the adult as a kind of direction and/or prohibition. In Case D, formation of body attachment between the child and adults was a precondition for emergence of the negotiation and it leaded to the co-construction of meaning about child gestural impression.