Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
We previously identified PG17 as the leading candidate for the medaka sex-determining gene. To definitively identify PG17 as a sex-determining gene, we injected one-cell stage medaka embryos with a genomic DNA fragment carrying PG17. The transgenic embryos were bred until secondary sexual characters were observed. We found that all XX transgenic fish were male, showing that PG17 is sufficient to induce male development. The present data combined with our previous data indicate that PG17 is the sex-determining gene of medaka and named it DMY.DMY mRNA and protein are expressed specifically in the somatic cells (Sertoli cells) surrounding primordial germ cells (PGC) in the early gonadal primordium, before morphological sex differences are apparent. DMRT1, another DM domain gene that is also involved in male development in other vertebrates, is expressed in spermatogonium-supporting cells after testicular differentiation (20-30 days after hatching). These results strongly suggest that DMY regulates PGC proliferation and differentiation sex-specifically during early gonadal differentiation of XY individuals and that DMRT1 regulates spermatogonial differentiation.Because Sry transgenic mice are sterile and because DMY transgenic XX medakas are fertile, i.e., fully functional males, DMY transgenic medakas are the first transgenic vertebrates known to undergo complete sex reversal.
All 2004 2003 2002 Other
All Journal Article (18 results) Publications (9 results)
Journal of Experimental Zoology 301A
Pages: 266-273
Developmental Dynamics 231
Pages: 518-526
Environmental Sciences 11
Pages: 73-82
J.Exp.Zool. 301A
Dev.Dyn. 231
Environ.Sci. 11
Aquatic Genomics Steps Toward a Great Future
Pages: 236-243
Zoological Science 20
Pages: 1395-4398
Pages: 159-161
Zool.Sci. 20
Pages: 1395-1398
O.latipes.Zool.Sci. 20
Aquaculture 208
Pages: 191-366
Molecular Reproduction and Development 63
Pages: 5-16
Nature 417
Pages: 559-563
Mol.Reprod.Develop. 63
Aquatic Genomes : Steps Toward a Great Future.(N.Shimizu, T.Aoki, I.Hirono, F.Takashima (eds.)) Springer