Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
We have developed the new method to visualize neovascularized tumor blood vessels of the liver. It is a method using ultrasound contrast imaging. It uses a real time and low mechanical index (MI) ultrasound imaging and it can visualize microbubbles when they reaches at the liver parenchyma after intravenous injection. The method is the phase inversion harmonic imaging and also composed of replenishment imaging. Furthermore, we have introduced a new method, Micro Flow Imaging, which utilized a maximum intensity holding technique.We have applied these techniques to investigate tumor neovasculization of the animal models. By using these technique, micro blood vessels which size is less than 100 micro meters were visualized with a good continuity. At the same time, blood flow parameters of the tumor blood vessels such as arrival time and peak time were analyzed in the tumor vessels. These parameters were imaged as parametric imaging and they could indicate characteristics of the malignant liver tumors.Both of morphological and functional features of the malignant liver tumors were evaluated using the newly developed imaging methods and it is concluded that these technique could be applied to clinical diagnosis of liver tumors.
All 2005 2004 2003
All Journal Article (20 results) Book (1 results)
総合的臨牀54 増刊 臨床医のための超音波診断アトラス 54
Pages: 300-304
Oncol Rep. 13(2)
Pages: 229-234
Hepatol Res 29(2)
Pages: 122-126
Hepatol Res. 29(4)
Pages: 235-242
Hepatol Res. 29(2)
7^<th> Congress of the Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and biology (AFSUMB 2004)
9^<th> European Symposium on Ultrasound Contrast Imaging
AGA2004 (The American Gastroenterological Association )
7th Congress of the Asian Federation of Societies for Ultrasound in Medicine and biology (AFSUMB 2004)
2004 ALUM Annual Convention
肝・胆・膵 47(2)
Pages: 203-212
10^<th> Congress of the World Federation for Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology
5^<th> International Symposium on Ultrasound Cotrast Imaging
Digestive Disease Week 2003
11^<th> United European Gastroenterology Week
RSNA 2003-89th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting