Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
A mixture of bisphenol A (BPA) and sodium nitrite was dissolved in acetate buffer (pH3.0) and incubated at 37℃ for 60 min, a new mutagens having hydroxyl and azo groups was isolated. When a mixture of morpholine and sodium nitrite was used, nitrosomorpholine (NMo) was produced. But the addition of tea extract decreased the mutagnnicity and the content of NMo. These data demonstrated the combined effects between environmental chemicals and sodium nitrite that is present in vegetables and saliva were observed.By comparison of the genotoxicity of micronucleus test and comet assay using rodent or fish, goldfish was found to be a useful candidate as the experimental animal.
All 2004 2003 Other
All Journal Article (23 results) Publications (3 results)
Food Science Biotechnology 13・2
Pages: 191-196
Journal of Food Microbaiology 94
Pages: 255-261
Journal of psychosomatic resarch 56
Pages: 53-58
Mutation Research 560
Pages: 33-40
環境変異原研究 26・3
Pages: 265-273
水環境学会誌 27・6
Pages: 393-401
International Journal of Food Microbiology 94
Food Science and Biotechnology 13(2)
Environ. Mutagen Res. 26
Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment Vol.27, No.6
Food Science Biotechnology 13(2)
環境変異原研究 26
環境変異原研究 25・2
Pages: 93-100
Environ. Mutagen Res. 25
Mutation Research (印刷中)
Mutation Research (in press)