Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
The present study aimed to reveal the mechanism of the activation of fibrobaslts by cancer cells and the role of cancer-derived exosomes as the communication tool between cancer cells and fibroblasts. We studied the effect of co-existence of cancer cells and fibroblasts using cell lines and nude mice. It is indicated that p53 deficiency played a pivotal role in activation of fibroblast to produce VEGF via ROS production, resulting in tumor progression. We detected the microRNAs in the cancer-derived exosome which activated fibroblasts. These raise the possibility of the cancer-drived exosome as the novel therapeutic target or the useful biomarker.
All 2017 2016
All Journal Article (1 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 1 results) Presentation (4 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results)
Volume: 37 Issue: 10 Pages: 972-984