Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
In this study, we investigated the influence of anesthetics on GABAA receptor using electrophysiological method (slice patch clamp).Male C57BC6 mice (8 weeks age) were sacrificed and removed hippocampus under urethane anesthesia (intraperitoneal injection 1.5-2.0 g/kg). Hippocampus was sliced to 250μm. The slices were kept in standard artificial cerebrospinal fluid ACSF saturated with 95% O2 and 5% CO2 at room temperature for at least 60 min before recording. Whole-cell patch clamp (voltage clamp) recordings were performed from pyramidal cell in CA3 region of the hippocampus slices under a microscope. Membrane potentials were held at 0 mV.Tonic current amplitude was calculated as the difference in the holding current before and after drug application. Application of midazolam increased baseline current 10-20 pA. Application of L-655708 (50nM) decreased baseline current. It is demonstrated that L-655708 antagonize current enhancement effect of midazolam in hippocampus neuron.
All 2015 Other
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