Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
In this study, we aimed a better understanding of the disease core mechanism underlying neurodevelopmental disorders including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. For this purpose, we focused on the molecular interaction between LRR synapse organizer and metabotropic receptors. Abnormalities appeared in the mice lacking these proteins were analyzed through multidisciplinary approach. As a result, altered synaptic structure and function as well as altered monoaminergic systems that control overall neuronal activities are found to be critically involved in the pathophysiology.
All 2018 2017 Other
All Journal Article (6 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 5 results, Open Access: 4 results, Acknowledgement Compliant: 1 results) Presentation (9 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 4 results, Invited: 1 results) Book (1 results) Remarks (1 results)
Mol Biol Evol
Volume: 35 Issue: 9 Pages: 2205-2229
Sci Rep
Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 14954-14954
Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 2140-2140
Volume: 35 Pages: 24-33
Nature Communications
Volume: 8 Issue: 1 Pages: 15800-15800
Volume: 印刷中