Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
In this study, we investigated the mechanism of the anti-diabetic effect of falcarindiol isolated from Apiaceae family vegetables. Falcarindiol suppressed glucose production in rat hepatoma H4ⅡE cells. Falcarindiol also increased the level of inhibitory phosphorylation of GSK-3β in H4IIE cells. These results indicate that several Apiaceae family vegetables containing falcarindiol could be a useful food ingredient against type-2 diabetes.
All 2018 2017 2016
All Journal Article (5 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results, Peer Reviewed: 5 results) Presentation (4 results)
Journal of Natural Products
Volume: 81 Issue: 4 Pages: 1070-1074
The Journal of Antibiotics
Volume: 70 Issue: 12 Pages: 1133-1137
Volume: 53(3) Issue: 3 Pages: 295-301
Volume: 113 Pages: 188-194
Phytochemistry Letters
Volume: 18 Pages: 122-127