Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B)
We successfully established a centrifugation method that can transplant cells onto the luminal surface of the decellularized rat trachea scaffold circumferentially. Mouse iPS cells were differentiated into definitive endoderm cells and transplanted onto the luminal surface of the decellularized tracheal matrix scaffold using this centrifugation method. F344/NJc1-rnu/rnu rats transplanted with rat trachea regenerated using mouse iPS cells survived for up to 5 weeks. Histological analysis indicated the cause of death was airway stenosis due to colonic cellular proliferation of undifferentiated iPS cells. Rats transplanted with no-cell scaffold survived for 1 month, although airway stenosis was also observed due to deficiency of tracheal cartilage. Re-epithelialization with numerous ciliated epithelial cells was observed in one of the rats transplanted with trachea bioengineered using iPS cells.
All 2017
All Presentation (1 results) (of which Int'l Joint Research: 1 results)