Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
I analyzed p53 family gene, p51, and accomplished following findings. 1)I Identified ubiquitin ligase specific to TAp51 protein. 2)I elucidated mechanisms of cell fate determination in response to genotoxic stress by p53 family proteins, 3)Some p53 family gene chimeras exhibited potent anti-tumor activity by mouse gene therapy model. 4)p51 gene expression is essential for maintaining immaturity (stemness) in keratinocytes and muscle cells.
All 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Other
All Journal Article (27 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 19 results) Presentation (10 results) Book (2 results) Remarks (2 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (2 results)
Journal of Biological Chemistry (in press)
Interface oral health science 2009 36
Pages: 133-136
Interface oral health scienoe 2009
Journal of Oral Biosciences 36
Pages: 51-58
Histopahology 54(2009)
Pages: 378-381
Histopathology 54
Journal of oral biosciences 36
Pages: 378-81
Journal of Biological Chemistry 283(2008)
Pages: 34241-34249
Oncogene 27
Pages: 848-856
J Biol Chem 283
Pages: 34241-9
Pages: 848-56
Oncogene (accepted). (In press)
Genes Cells 12
Pages: 853-861
Oncogene 26
Pages: 4478-4488
Genes Cells 12(7)
Pages: 853-61
Oncogene 5;26(31)
Pages: 4478-88
J Gene Med 8
Pages: 1120-1130
J Gene Med. 8
Gene 358
Pages: 53-59
Immunogenetics. Immunogenetics 56
Pages: 930-942
Genes Cells 10
Pages: 139-150
Immunogenetics 56
Genes Cell (in press)
Oncogene (in press)