Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas
We established C57BL/6 mouse lines expressing Cre or inducible CrePR recombinase genes under the control of hippocampus-, striatum- or cerebellum-specific promoters. By the use of the brain-region selective gene manipulation system, we have analyzed brain systems that control learning and memory. We found that the striatum is essential for the formation of fear memory under weak unconditioned stimulus. Furthermore, we showed that the facilitation of LTD induction at parallel fiber-Purkinje cell synapses enhances the optokinetic response adaptation, indicating that the synaptic plasticity at the specific site of a motor control circuit determines the efficacy of a motor learning.
All 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005
All Journal Article (82 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 60 results) Presentation (22 results)
Cell (in press)
J. Neurosci. 30
Pages: 5357-5367
FEBS Lett 584
Pages: 806-810
FEBS Lett. 584
J.Neurosci. (印刷中(掲載確定))
Cell (印刷中(掲載確定))
Neuroscience 162
Pages: 601-611
J. Neurosci. 29
Pages: 9026-9041
J.Neurosci. 29
J.Neurochem. 111
Pages: 160-170
Neuroscience (in pess)(掲載確定)(印刷中)
Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 377
Pages: 1315-1319
Alcohol. Clin. Exp. Res. 32
Pages: 1479-1492
Neurosci. Lett. 433
Pages: 146-151
Eur. J. Neurosci. 27
Pages: 836-854
J. Neurosci. 28
Pages: 1460-1468
Learn. Mem. 15
Pages: 50-54
Alcoholism : Clinical and Experimental Research 32
J. Neurosci. 27
Pages: 12096-12108
J. Cell Biol. 178
Pages: 687-700
Nitric Oxide 17
Pages: 18-24
Neuron 54
Pages: 755-770
Neurosci. Res. 58
Pages: 105-112
Pages: 103-104
J. Neuroimmunol. 186
Pages: 75-85
Neuropharmacology 52
Pages: 1318-1325
J. Physiol. 579
Pages: 729-735
Neuropharmacology. 52
Neurosci Res. 58(in press)
Neurosci. Res. 58(in press)
Neurosci. Lett. 393
Pages: 94-96
J. Neurosci. 26
Pages: 1776-1786
J.Neurosci. 26
Brain Res. 1063
Pages: 159-167
Neuroscience 135
Pages: 1017-1023
Mol. Brain Res. 141
Pages: 83-95
J. Neurosci. 25
Pages: 9213-9226
Eur. J. Neurosci. 22
Pages: 1445-1454
Pages: 8386-8390
Anesthesiology 102
Pages: 557-561
Eur. J. Neurosci. 21
Pages: 1315-1326
Brain Res. 1039
Pages: 130-136
Pages: 2146-2156
EMBO Reports 6
Pages: 90-95
EMBO Report 6
J.Neurosci. 25
Pages: 3067-3079
Eur.J.Neurosci. 21
Epilepsia 46(Suppl.5)
Pages: 152-158
Genes Cells 10
Pages: 785-792
Eur.J.Neurosci. 22
Mol.Brain Res. 141