Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
The objectives of the project was to understand the conceptual differences between state perceptions of poverty that drive the poverty alleviation components of government sponsored forest restoration programs in Vietnam, and poverty perceptions among upland farmers who are meant to participate in, and benefit from state forest restoration programs. In addition the actual contributions of government programs of forest restoration in Vietnam to poverty alleviation among upland farmers was to be assessed.Field research was successfully carried in three different steps. First a literature search and survey of reports ad other written materials was carried out in Hanoi. The results of this first step were analyzed and based on this analysis a selection of 50 forest rehabilitation projects was made for detailed study. In step two, the 50 projects were researched by means of questionnaires and key informant interviews. The third and main step of this project consisted of selecting 15 projects to which field visits were carried out, with extensive interviews of project personnel, local authorities and communities affected by the projects.Results of the research were presented at various occasions, including in Vietnam. Various publications were prepared as listed below. These include academic journal articles as well as publications for practitioners.
All 2008 2007 2006 2005
All Journal Article (19 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 8 results) Presentation (6 results) Book (5 results)
In: The Forest Landscape Restoration Handbook. JennyRietbergen-McCracken, Stewart Maginnis and AlastairSarre eds In Press
Pages: 68-76
Society and Natural Resources Accepted
Pages: 1-16
Sapiens Accepted
Pages: 1-11
Biotropica (掲載確定)
Pages: 1-8
London, Earthscan (In press)
Society and Natural Resources. Accepted
Sapiens, Accepted
Submitted to Biotropica
Ecology and Society 12(1):5(Online vol12/iss1/art5)
CIFOR Bogor,
Pages: 1-90
Ecology and Society(Online) 12(1)
Pages: 5-5
Bogor, CIFOR
Ecology and Society 12(1):5
Ecology and Society 12(1) 5(on line)
CIFOR, Bogor, Indonesia
Pages: 1-75
Bogor, Center for International Forestry Research
Ecology and society
Pages: 18-18
In: Stephanie Mansourian, Daniel Vallauri, Nigel Dudley(eds.). Forest restoration in landscapes: beyond planting trees New York, USA, Springer
Pages: 405-414
In : Stephanie Mansourian, Daniel Vallauri, Nigel Dudley (eds.). Forest restoration in landscapes : beyond planting trees(New York, USA, Springer)