Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Half a century of dedicated field research on wild chimpanzees has revealed that there are variations of behaviors among study groups and there are inherited between generations. The author has been conducting a field research on wild bonobos at Wamba, D. R. Congo and chimpanzees at the Kalinzu Forest, Uganda. The author described the ethogram (a list of behavioral repertoires) for each study group and compared the behavioral repertoires between chimpanzees and bonobos. In the chimpanzee group, the author found that there are tool-using behaviors, such as ant-dipping behavior and collecting honey with sticks. Moreover, the author compared the sexual behavior of both species. The author revealed that female chimpanzees were active in copulation while female bonobos played only a passive role in the copulatory behavior sequences. These results were published in Primates. The author cooperated with researchers from other study sites of chimpanzees and bonobos and took part in creating the ethogram which covers all the study site of both species.
All 2007 2006 2005 Other
All Journal Article (18 results)
Primates 48・3
Pages: 249-251
科学 77・6
Pages: 637-641
Pan Africa News 14・1
Pages: 8-11
京都大学霊長類研究所編, 霊長類進化の科学, 京都大学出版会
Pages: 156-167
Primates 47・1
Pages: 51-55
Newton-Fisher, N.E., Notman, N., Reynolds, V, (eds.}, Primates of Eastern Uganda, Spirnger 2006
Pages: 247-257
Molecular Ecology 15・4
Pages: 939-949
村山美穂, 渡邊邦夫, 竹中蒐子編「遺伝子の窓から見た動物たち-フィールドと実験室をつないで-」, 京都大学出版会, 京都
Pages: 121-130
Primates 47(1)
Newton-Fisher, N. E., Notman, N., Reynolds, V., Paterson, J.(eds.), Primates of Eastern Uganda, Spirnger
Molecular Ecology 15(4)
Primates of Eastern Uganda (Newton-Fisher, N. E., Notman, N., Reynolds, V., Paterson, J. (eds.)) (Spirnger)
Pan Africa News 12・1
Pages: 3-5
Pan Africa News 12(1)(set of books)
Primates 48(3)
Pan Africa News 14(1)