Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
The fragile FHIT gene is among the first targets of DNA damage in preneoplastic lesions and recent studies have shown that Fhit protein is involved in surveillance of genome integrity and checkpoint response after genotoxin exposure. We studied that Fhit modulate the checkpoint response via regulation of phosphorylation at Y114 of Fhit protein. The response was regulated Atr kinase, and define the responsiveness of normal and cancer cells. Furthermore, Fhit-deficient hematopoietic cells, exposed to the genotoxin hydroquinone, are resistant to the suppression of stem cell in vitro colony formation observed with wild type hematopoietic cells. The present results indicate that reduced oxidative stress, coupled with efficient but error-prone DNA damage repair, allows unscheduled, long-term survival of genotoxin-exposed Fhit-deficient hematopoietic stem cells carrying deleterious mutations, suggesting the significance in the multistep carcinogenesis.
All 2008 2007 2006 2005
All Journal Article (49 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 19 results) Presentation (15 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (2 results)
Br.J.Cancer 98
Pages: 410-417
Carcinogenesis (in press)
Cancer Res (in press)
Br. J. Cancer 98
Pages: 410-7
Cancer Cell 11
Pages: 275-289
BMC Mol.Biol 8
Pages: 37-37
BMC Mol. Biol 8(1)
BMC Mol. Biol. 8
J.Surg.Oncol 93
Pages: 44-6
Acta Haematol 115
Pages: 78-90
Oncogene 25
Pages: 2860-72
Cancer Res 66
Pages: 2683-90
Cancer Res 66(23)
Pages: 11287-92
Med.Chem 2(6)
Pages: 555-63
Ann. Surg. Oncol
Med. Chem 2
J. Surg. Oncol 93
J.Sung.Oncol. 93
Acta Haematol. 115
Cancer Res. 66
Cancer Res. 66(23)
Med.Chem. 2(6)
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 102.27
Pages: 9655-9660
DNA Cell.Biol 24
Pages: 173-179
J.Cell.Physiol 203
Pages: 387-97
Pages: 432-7
Mol.Cancer Res 3
Pages: 130-8
Mol. Cancer Res 3・6
Pages: 325-34
医学のあゆみ「血液疾患State of Arts, Ver3」 別冊
Pages: 218-220
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102
Pages: 9655-60
Cancer Res 3
J. Cell. Physiol 203
Mol. Cancer Res 3
DNA Cell. Biol 24
Pages: 173-9
Proc.Natl.Acad.Sci.USA 102・27
DNA Cell.Biol. 24
J.Cell.Physiol. 203
Pages: 387-397
Pages: 432-437
Mol.Cancer Res. 3
Pages: 130-138
Mol.Cancer Res. 3・6
Pages: 325-334