Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
1.Regulation of SS by analogue peptide of T cell epitopesTo propose the new therapeutic strategies using analogue peptide of T cell epitopes, we focused on muscarinic acetylcholine receptor (M3R). The second extra-cellular domain of M3R is the most important region for intra-cellular signaling. Thus, we analyzed T cell epitopes of the second extra-cellular domain of M3R, screened the analogue peptides of T cell epitopes, and establish an antigen-specific regulation of SS using analogue peptides. 1) We clarified VPPGECFIQFLSEPT (AA215-229) was T cell epitope of M3R in HLA-DR B1*0901 positive patients with SS. 2) We selected two of candidates for analogue T cell epitopes were VPPGECFKQFLSEPT and VPPGECFIAFLSEPT. 3)We established mouse model for SS by the immunization of M3R peptides plus CFA.2.Gene analysis of susceptibility genes in patients with SSTo elucidate susceptibility genes in patients with SS, we analyzed highly expressed genes in labial salivary glands (LSGs) using cDNA microarray. We screened STAT1 gene as a candidate for over-expressed genes. The Tyr701 and Ser727 were phosphorylated and were mainly expressed in LSGs epithelial cells of SS. Moreover, apoptotic genes such as Fas, IP-10, and RF-1 were highly expressed. These results suggest that over-expression of STAT1 might be associated to the apoptosis of LSG epithelial cells in patients with SS.
All 2007 2006 2005 Other
All Journal Article (24 results)
Arthritis Rheum 56(7)
Pages: 2160-2169
Ann.Rheum.Dis. 66
Pages: 844-845
Arthritis Rheum. 54
Pages: 3476-3484
Ann. Rheum. Dis. 65
Pages: 269-271
Pages: 968-969
Ann.Rheum.Dis. 65
Int.J.Mol.Med. 17
Pages: 101-109
Ann. Rheum. Dis 64
Pages: 510-511
Clin. Exp. Immunol. 141
Pages: 47-53
Ann.Rheum.Dis. 64
Clin.Exp.Immunol. 141
Arthritis Res.Ther. 7
Pages: 1183-1188
Ann.Rheu.Dis. 64
Ann. Rheum. Dis. (in press)
An.Rheum.Dis. (in press)
Ann.Rheum.Dis. (in press)