Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B)
Scirrhous gastric carcinoma is characterized by rapid cancer cell infiltration and proliferation accompanied by extensive stromal fibrosis. Scirrhous carcinomas carry a worse prognosis than other types of gastric carcinoma. Keratinocyte growth factor (KGF) ; a ligand of FGF-R2, produced by gastric fibroblasts is likely to contribute in a paracrine manner to the remarkable cell proliferation seen in scirrhous gastric cancer with FGF-R2 amplification. Also, COX2 signal from stromal fibroblasts stimulates the invasion ability of scirrhous gastric cancer cells. The FGF-R2 phosphorylation inhibitor or COX2 inhibitor appear therapeutically promising in scirrhous gastric carcinoma.
All 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 Other
All Journal Article (35 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 27 results) Presentation (18 results) Book (1 results) Remarks (1 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (4 results)
Br J Cancer 101
Pages: 1100-1106
J Natl Cancer Inst 101
Pages: 592-604
Int J Oncol 35
Pages: 997-1003
Int J Cancer
Ann Surg Oncol 16
Pages: 2926-2935
Oncol Rep 21
Pages: 875-880
Br J Cancer
Cancer Sci
Anticancer Res 29
Pages: 2189-2193
British journal of cancer 101
International journal of oncology 35
Annals of surgical oncology 16
J Natl Cancer Inst 15 ; 101
Cancer Res 68(7)
Pages: 2340-2348
Clin Cancer Res 14
Pages: 2850-2860
Dis Colon Rectum 51
Pages: 1387-1394
Clinical Cancer Research 14
Pages: 2850-60
Int J Cance 120
Pages: 686-693
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 104
Pages: 3460-3465
Cancer Res 67
Pages: 10181-10189
Br J Cancer 97
Pages: 550-556
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 104
Int J Cancer 120
International Journal of Cancer 120
European Journal of Cancer 43
Pages: 2612-2620
消化器科 44
Pages: 447-454
Eur J Cancer 42
Pages: 2397-2403
Cancer Lett 244
Pages: 247-251
Gastroenterology 131
Pages: 1530-1541
Surg Today 36
Pages: 642-646
Clin Cancer Res 12
Pages: 4925-4932
分子消化器病 3巻3号
Pages: 245-250