Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
It is essential to establish the food production system including agricultural products with high quality of safety. Agriculture in the 21st century needs to take comprehensively basic opinions such as environment, recycling of natural resources and animal welfare into consideration. We have been searching useful immunomodifiers which have improving effects on animal productivity and studying its biological characteristics. Different kinds of native/natural immunomodifiers such sugar cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) extract (SCE) and an immunopotentiater of lipopolysaccharide derived from Pantoea agglomerans (IP-PA1) and a synthesized immunomodifier such as synthesized peptides derived from the beetle Allomyrina dichotoma defensin were used to evaluated their biological properties in animal model. In summary, (1) SCE showed recovery effects on histological and functional reconstitution in cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppression in chickens. (2) Dextran sulfate-induced colititis is improved by oral administration of SCE. In addition, SCE has an alleviative effect on cisplantin-induced renal toxicity (3) Oral administration of IP-PA1 induced reduced fasting stress
All 2008 2007 2006 Other
All Journal Article (33 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 8 results) Presentation (71 results) Book (18 results) Patent(Industrial Property Rights) (2 results)
Dictionary of Microbiology, Asakura Publishing co., LTD (in press)
Phytotherapy Research 21(2)
Pages: 120-125
J. Animal Protozooses 22
Pages: 22-30
Parasitol Res. Feb;100(3)
Pages: 661-664
Parasitol Res, Feb 100(3)
Veterinary Dermatology (Ann M. Trimmer, Craig E. Griffin, Mona, J. Boord, Wayne, S. Rosenkrantz, Ed. Joan Rest),Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK 16
Pages: 324-329
Nougyoson kaihatubunnyadeno tojyoukokuniokeru yuuyou gijyutusyuu (dokurituhoujinn kokusaikyouryoku kikou), I-C-Net
Pages: 106-107
Asakurashoten, Tokyo
Pages: 259-264
Canine and Feline Infectious Diseases and Parasitology (eds.), Inters Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo
Veterinary Dermatology (Curtis, C. F., Lamport, A. I., and Lloyd, D. H. Ed. Joan Rest), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK 17(1)
Pages: 51-56
Veterinary Dermatology (Thierry Olivry Ed. Joan Rest), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK 17(2)
Pages: 5-20
Phytotherapy Research 21・2
獣医畜産新報(JVM)文永堂出版、東京 60巻5号
Pages: 386-387
Phytotherapy Reseach 21・2
International Immunopharmacology 6(2)
Pages: 234-240
Phytotherapy Research 20
Pages: 359-363
International Immunopharmacology 6(6)
Pages: 1748-1753
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, 70(12)
Pages: 2853-2858
International Immunopharmacology 6 2)
International Immunopharmacology 6 6)
Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry 70(12)
Veterinary Dermatology (Rosanna Marsella, Connie Nicklinand Jennifer Lopez, Ed. Joan Rest), Blackwell Publishing Ltd., Oxford, UK 16
Pages: 308-314
Gakusousha Publishing Co. Ltd., Tokyo (in press)
Color Atlas of Veterinary Infectious Disease II, Buneido Publishing co., LTD
Pages: 565-566
Infectious Disease of Animals II, Kindaisyuppann
Pages: 227-228
Poultry Diseases VI, Japanese Society of Poultry Diseases
Phytotherapy Research 20・2
International Immunopharmacology 6・2
Internatyonal Immunopharmacology 6・6
Bioscience, Biotechonology, and Biochemistry 70・12