Research Project
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Passive antibody therapy against H5N1 viruses could be a potentially adjunctive treatment option in human cases with H5N1 infection, because patients with Spanish flu pneumonia who had received transfusion with convalescent human serum products have been reported to reduce the risk of death. The objective of the study is to identify human monoclonal Fab with neutralizing potency against influenza A subtype H5N1 stains. Previously, we have constructed a human combinatorial Fab library using peripheral lymphocytes(PBLs) of a volunteer who had once infected with influenza A H5N1 and recovered. Identification of human Fab clones with neutralizing potency against HPAI H5N1 strains has been attempted using phage display technique with inactivated H5N1 virions isolated in Vietnam for biological enrichment(panning) and screening, however, was not successful. Recently, we have obtained a larger amount of PBLs from a healthy volunteer who had contracted H5N1 infection in May 2007 and recovered. Serum of the volunteer from which PBLs were isolated showed a high HI titer against an H5N1 year 2007 strain tested. A new human Fab library has been being constructed and efficient isolation of human monoclonal Fabs with neutralizing potency against H5N1 strains would be expected.
All 2008 2007 2006
All Journal Article (11 results) (of which Peer Reviewed: 6 results) Presentation (20 results)
Microbiology and Immunology 52
Pages: 162-170
Microbiology and Immunology 51
Pages: 617-625
Tropical Medicine and Health 35
Pages: 43-45
Tropical Medicine and Health 352号
Microbiol Immunol 51(in press)
Tropical Medicine and Health (in press)